Saturday, February 6, 2016

January 24 = Football Day

Today was a big day in the NFL- the conference championships!  The Patriots played the Broncos and the Cardinals played the Panthers.  I was torn in the Patriots/Broncos game.  I thought it would be hilarious watching Roger Goodell having to congratulate Tom Brady after all the drama between them at the end of last season but at the same time... this could be Peyton's last season so you've gotta pull for him.  So I decided either way I'd be happy.  In the other game I was definitely pulling for the Cardinals.  I'm not a Cam Newton fan but I am a Bruce Arians fan- he's hilarious- and also... I wanted the Packers' loss to not be in vain.  However... the Panthers won.  Oh well- we had good food to eat and Liam loves saying "football time," and "football score" so it was a good time for all.

Also, Malia found this: 

It's an eye mask that I use sometimes if I have a bad headache... but Malia decided to use it as a headband... she's got her own style. 

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