Saturday, February 6, 2016

January 28 = Spaghetti Night

Zachary had to stay late tonight so I planned spaghetti for dinner because it's easy to make while the kids are running around- if I have to step away for a minute, it's not the end of the world- and because the kids love it and can eat it by themselves...

Also!  They got a new toy today- Grammy & Gramps got Liam a trampoline- the physical therapist has mentioned a few times it would be a good thing for him to have and now he does!  Hopefully he warms up to it...

Oh!  And I have a cute story from the CDC today.  When I dropped him off this morning, everyone had lined up for a walk in pairs.  There was one little girl who didn't have a walking buddy so when we came in, the teachers asked Liam to hold her hand.  He looked really hesitant and the teachers knew immediately he was looking for Maddy.  I've mentioned her before- she's taken him under her wing and I love it so much- so they rearranged the partners so that Liam could hold Maddy's hand.  So sweet!

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