Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4 = Independence Day!!

Woo-hoo!  Another real holiday!  We love the 4th of July and celebrated all day long.  We started with toast topped with red (strawberry jelly), white (bananas in the shape of stars), and blue (blueberries).

Then we had leftover spaghetti for lunch- not so exciting- but topped that off with some homemade blueberry lemonade slushies!

We then worked on Malia's room, which has nothing to do with independence day but here's a picture anyway :)

Then we had your classic hotdogs and hamburgers for dinner of course and finally, headed out to watch some fireworks over at the Naval Academy.  The car traffic wasn't bad at all on the way over there and we were thinking we probably should have driven to prevent this almost 38 weeks pregnant lady from walking all the way over there but when said 38 weeks pregnant lady had to go to the bathroom so badly on the way home, we were thankful we were walking and not in the very, very long line to get off campus.

Zachary caught a lightening bug for Liam to look at.  Liam did a little bit more than look :(

On the way home
Oh!  How could I forget!  When we got home, we had delicious strawberry cupcakes with vanilla icing and sprinkles waiting for us.  Yummmmmm!

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