Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 10 = New Bed for Daisy Day

Malia and I took Daisy to the vet for the first time today!  She had a check up and the vet said she would be a minimum of fifty pounds!  We had to wait around for her parasite test results to make sure we didn't need to get her some medicine (whew) and so while we were waiting, I picked her out a bed!  I decided to get a big one so it'll fit her growing self.

Malia decided it was hers.

Oh!  And then, Malia turned into my little helper.  I was putting things away and in the middle of walking from one room to another over and over again, I looked over at Malia and she had gathered some toys and walked them over to the toy box.  Such a sweet girl!

And the last picture of today's post.  We got Liam's CDC pictures back today... Oh Liam.

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