Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 13 = Last Mid Dinner Day

Today was the last dinner we had for the mids and it was my favorite!  But I'm getting a little ahead of myself.  Zachary gave Daisy a bath so that she'd be enjoyable to play with- these mids love Daisy.  She was super cold even after he dried her off really well so we put her coat on and bundled her up in a blanket- she got so warm she fell asleep.

We've become pros at providing a taco bar for lots of people so that's what we did again.  This was my favorite dinner yet because it was the company leadership that came over and so I've met most of them and they actually had conversations with me so I felt like instead of just being the childcare provider and making sure everything was well stocked, I was a part of the group!

Later, we put Malia to bed and Daisy stood watch outside her door.  She quickly became an important member of our family!

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