Friday, December 4, 2015

December 3 = Basketball Day

So last night Zachary actually didn't have a game because they won on Monday and Tuesday so they got last night off!  So tonight's game was the championship game and I decided it would be fun for us all to go and support him!  Zachary told me there was walking track above the gym so we could go up there and be out of the way and Liam could walk around and be happy.  Well Liam did enjoy the walking track, but he enjoyed it just a bit too much.  Here he grabbed Malia's hand but for the most part, he was running ahead of us and looking back and laughing.  It made me a bit nervous because I felt like I couldn't keep up with both of them at the same time.

So we went to this area right outside the basketball court- they show a movie in a little theater there every Thursday night so they had popcorn out there for whoever wanted any.  Malia liked it.  And then she decided to drop the container and popcorn went everywhere.

So we headed out to the car and I let the kids walk around the van which entertained them for about 45 minutes.  At that point I thought the game must be almost over so I thought we could handle the last few minutes.  I put Malia in the baby carrier and headed in.  Zachary's team was up by a lot so he was on the bench giving some other people a chance to play- he's so good!  So we didn't get to see him play but we did get to see his team win!


  1. Liam and Malia, you are so sweet, holding hands!

    Love you! Grandma

  2. Liam and Malia, you are so sweet, holding hands!

    Love you! Grandma
