Friday, December 4, 2015

November 26 = Thanksgiving

This was our first Thanksgiving not with one of our families.  We definitely missed everyone but it was nice not to have to travel.  Grace posted this picture of her and Matt and I just have to share because how gorgeous are they??

 I love this picture of Daisy... she has a hernia as you can see but I just love this because she looks like a grumpy old man.

I think Daisy and Malia are going to be best friends... here's a morning cat nap...

...and then an afternoon one.

So I have a little bit of regret regarding this Thanksgiving.  I spent a lot of the day cleaning because Zachary was home and was doing such a good job of entertaining the kids and the dog.  I started the day off by trying to watch some of the Macy's parade but Liam really wanted to watch Mickey Mouse so that was shot.  We just got our new washer so I was catching up on laundry and just putting stuff away that had piled up in places where said stuff didn't belong.  But Zachary cooked everything for dinner- this was our first turkey and it was perfect.  He made the best mashed potatoes I've ever tasted.  We had macaroni and cheese as well as sweet potatoes.  It was delicious and the kids agreed.  I just wish I would have done a craft with the kids or done some more reflection or something- the day just kind of passed.  But there's always next year.

1 comment:

  1. Good going, Zachary and Melissa! Proud of you for cooking your first Thanksgiving dinner! We did miss you, though.

