We started today off by taking Liam to the CDC so Malia and I could go to Walter Reed for her EEG. It's always hard to decide when to leave because traffic is so unpredictable- sometimes there's no traffic at all, sometimes it adds an hour to your trip. But today it just so happened that we timed it perfectly! In order to get all the stuff on her head, the EEG technician recommends swaddling. I say recommends instead of recommended because I happen to know, from experience, that he suggests this every time. My poor kids and their need for EEGs. So she did a really great job through most of it. It took about 20 minutes to get everything in place and for the the first 15 minutes, she was fine. And then she wasn't. She was screaming, "ALL DONE," over and over and over again. All I could do was rub her arm and talk to her but it actually ended up working in our favor because it wore her out. The perfect EEG happens when the patient is observed awake, sleeping and then wakes up naturally. Because she was so mad, she eventually fell asleep. Here's a picture of the little lady, all wrapped up.
And then I took a video- if I had gone a little to the left, you'd be able to see a sign that says "please do not take pictures during testing." I'm such a rebel.
She woke up on her own and did a pretty good job getting everything removed. We got chickfila on the way home- it's a tradition. I called and asked the CDC to keep Liam for an extra hour so we could both get a nap- Malia's nap during the EEG was for twenty minutes- not sufficient. She got her nap after her bath- all that stuff in her hair- it was tough to get out and she was so sleepy- she was not happy about the bath but we made it. And then we both passed out. We got Liam and had a pretty regular evening so I'll close with these two funny things I saw on facebook:
Poor little Malia!