Tuesday, April 12, 2016

March 29 = CDC Day

My college roommate came to visit us last night!  She's here until Thursday and I couldn't be happier about it.  Today we went to the gym and then took the kids to the CDC so we could eat lunch and do some shopping sans kids.  We ate at the Breakfast Shoppe- so so good.  And then we went to Target and Home Depot and DSW and Old Navy.  It was so nice to be able to walk around leisurely!  Oh also.  At Home Depot... we went there to get some stuff for our backyard and as we pulled in we saw these two men running through the parking lot with chainsaws.  They jumped in a car and it sped off- like with a getaway driver.  We witnessed the theft of chainsaws from a Home Depot- it was insane.  And thankfully that was the most exciting part of the day.  Alexandra got this picture of the babies holding hands on the way out of the CDC- how sweet!

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