Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March 25 = Easter Egg Hunt Day

First, I want to share this because I've done this so many times.  I try not to use too many boxed foods but I can't break my family of their Mac & Cheese habit so...

Also, I have a goal of starting potty training today.  Being that I am writing this a week and a half after the fact, I can give you a spoiler- it doesn't work out.  But here's a cute picture of Liam in his underwear:

My parents came to Maryland this morning- they left early and got here around lunch time.  They were hoping to come one of the last two weekends when Zachary was gone but the first weekend, they had a Garth Brooks concert to go to- totally valid excuse.  And the second one, also valid, there was a death in the family and the funeral was that weekend.  So this Easter weekend it is!  Our first activity of the weekend was an Easter Egg hunt.  This isn't the most exciting video but I'll share it anyway because it features an iPad being dropped a full flight of stairs and Malia throwing an egg in Liam's basket.

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