Thursday, September 15, 2016

August 21 = Evie's Birthday Party Day!

I took Liam to the gym this morning while Zachary stayed home with Malia.  After the gym, we ran by Toys-r-us to find a present for our friend Evie's 2nd birthday!  There was lots and lots of Paw Patrol stuff everywhere so Liam was in heaven.

He's also really into these cars in the back of the store...

Zachary wasn't feeling well still so I left Liam with him and took Malia to the party.  She had so much fun!

We've gotta get this girl some dress up clothes.

We had the special honor of finding out that our friends Will and Amy (Evie's parents) are having a boy in February.  We got to prepare the gender reveal!  Amy provided us with black balloons and both pink and blue confetti and we got to work!  I wish Zachary had been there to see the big reveal but it went well and the parents were super excited!

 Here's all the kids that were at the party: Malia, Weston, Rory, Evie and Annie!

Random picture of Liam being angry and Malia not knowing what's going on:

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