Monday, September 26, 2016

September 6 = T-shirt Making Day

I'm trying to surprise Zachary for football starting up this week.  So I looked at our fantasy teams and made two shirts for each of us so we can show our support for our players this week.  The Jets and the Broncos shirts are for me and the Giants and the Panthers shirts are for Zachary.  Hopefully, he'll wear them and I can make some more for future matchups!

Also, here's a text from Zachary:

And I have a story to tell.  Zachary took Liam to the gym tonight and while he was there, there was a bug in my bathroom.  So I do what I always do, put a container over it.  I couldn't find one without holes in it so I was just hoping for the best here:

I took a picture to send it to him to let him know he had some work to do when he got home and then I remembered I've sent that same text to him twice before yet these are still in the same place in my bathroom:

So he came home and took care of the, what he informed me was a, grasshopper.  And because he knows I don't like killing things, as icky and jumpy as they are, he released it back into the wild.  What a good husband I have!

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