Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 13 = Soccer Shots Day

We had a really busy day today!  First we took Liam to the bus stop and then we went to the MOPS Registration Playdate.  Malia wanted to dress for the occasion:

Other moms (not this one because it takes all I have to get us fed, dressed, and out the door) brought extra riding toys so the kids with moms like me could have something to play with.  Malia took advantage:

Later, it was time for Malia's first soccer shots... I don't even know what to call it... practice?  gathering?  I don't know.

Here's a video of Malia participating fully in the... gathering.  I'm going with gathering.

And hugs for her friend, Evie:

Liam was not a fan of watching from the sidelines so he and Zachary found some other trouble to get into:

Coach Casey did her job:

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