Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 20 = Parade Day

We had leftover spaghetti for lunch- can you tell?!

I canceled all of Liam's therapy appointments this week because I didn't know if he would be feeling up to them so I was super excited today when we got to go somewhere- I'd been having a little cabin fever.  Zachary asked us to come out to a parade and I gladly said yes!  I asked my friend Amy if she and Evie were coming too and they met us there so I got to talk to her a little bit but as the actual parade neared, the kids got restless so Zachary walked Liam to a playground and I followed with Malia.  After we let them get some energy out we thought maybe they'd watch the parade...

But after a few minutes we decided it was time for me to take the kids home- it was nice to get out but we didn't last too long.  The good part was Zachary got home a little after nine so I did put the kids down but he got home soon after.  Liam was still awake when he got home so Zachary went in to say good night and found that he'd been having a little too much fun with a peekaboo book from the library:

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