Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 13 = Help Mommy Day

Zachary had to go in early today to cover his chief who wanted to spend time with his family before they left for a week.  We had a playdate planned and for some reason I wasn't feeling well.  I thought about cancelling but when I don't feel well, I'd rather do something to distract myself than to sit around and do nothing so we went to the playdate and then I went to yoga.  In yoga, I nearly left class because I just felt so weird- I was achy and nauseous- it was so weird.  So when we got home, Liam made a big mess with dinner and so I asked him to help me clean it up and added "Mommy doesn't feel good."  Well he proceeded to clean other areas of the house too- such a sweetheart.

Then we had story/singing time in Liam's room and Malia climbed up on the bed all by herself!  She's so talented.

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