Friday, October 16, 2015

October 8 = Spider Web Maze Day

First I have to share a picture of Malia with her newest friend, Care Bear.  She got this from Grandma this past weekend and when I went to get her up this morning, she was hugging it so tightly.  I don't know what's going on with her eye in this picture but just focus on how sweet and loving Malia is.

Later in the day, I decided to execute an idea I saw online.  Using yarn and our kitchen chairs and the gate, I created this little "maze" for Liam to get through.  It required him stepping over some strings and ducking under other ones so it's an awesome gross motor activity.  He went from one side to the other and I talked him in to coming back through one more time but that's all I got out of him.  But for those 30 seconds, he really enjoyed it!

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