Friday, October 16, 2015

October 4 = Midshipmen Dinner #2

I slept in this morning- woohoo!  While I was down, Zachary did some rearranging and moved the bed Liam never uses down from his room to the playroom- Malia was a fan.

But then it was time for work!  We had lots of midshipmen coming over again and lasagna was on the menu tonight.  We made five lasagnas and it was a pretty good amount for some hungry "kids."  I don't feel quite qualified to call them kids but whatever.  

Again, Malia worked her way into getting some attention.  She brought the Mickey Mouse tin that holds all the little characters Liam got in his birthday present from Uncle Matt & Grace and the guys helped her open it and encouraged her as she took them all out and put them all back in and closed it for her and repeated this several times until she was bored of it and found something else to do.  Sass.

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