Monday, March 21, 2016

March 20 = Daddy's Homecoming Day

Zachary came home today!  He left Smithfield around 9am so to pass the time until he got home we ate breakfast and went to the gym.  By the time we got home, he was an hour away so it worked out perfectly.  Here's Malia eating her lunch and saying "cheese:"

 I tried to get Liam to say "cheese" but he wasn't quite as cooperative.

Also I saw this and had to share.  Excuse the language but I saw this while I was thinking about what to do for dinner so it was pretty funny:

Daddy brought home some souvenirs from the Heat game.  Both kids got Dwayne Wade Jerseys- how cute are they? 

After the initial shock of Daddy being back home after so long, we got back to normal.  Here's Liam on his iPad in his chair:

And while this isn't normal, here's Malia trying to sneak a sip of beer.  Don't worry- she didn't get any.

March 19 = Silly Duck Day

I don't have any pictures from today but I do have a funny story.  Here's a short conversation between me and Liam:

Me: "Liam.  Do you know you're a silly duck?"
Liam: "Quack, quack."

I'll take that as a yes.

March 18 = Sit with Momma Day

This is the only picture I have from today but I love it.  I love that her hair is on top of her head and she's got this cute little outfit on and she demanded the blanket you can barely see in the corner.  And of course the paci.

March 17 = St. Patrick's Day/Gramps Birthday

First I'm going to do a little Throwback Thursday and share this gem from 3 years ago:


Liam spent most of the day in the CDC today so Malia and I did some shopping.  Here she is in an appropriately colored chair at Barnes and Noble:

 I found these super stretchy hair ties so I decided to try pigtails today since she's grown a little more cooperative:

After we picked Liam up we had dinner at Chickfila.  I'm so proud of myself that this is the only Chickfila trip we've made since Zachary's been gone. 

Also, I had to share this Facebook meme because it's so funny.

And Zachary and his chief and his chief's friend went to a Miami Heat game tonight and he sent me this picture- I was so happy for him that he got to experience it! 

March 16 = Halfway There Day

We've survived Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and now we just have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday left.  One thing that I would have definitely appreciated Zachary's presence for today was this bug on my wall.  I tried to be brave and covered both my hands with toiled paper, tried to knock it down from the wall with one hand into the other hand, while getting chills all over my body.  I don't like bugs.  It didn't work.  The bug fell to the ground so I went and got a candle and turned it over on top of the bug so it couldn't escape.  And it will remain there until Zachary gets home. 

My little helper:

 And my little sass pot:

We've spent a considerable amount of time at the gym since Zachary's been gone... it gives us something constructive to do so I'm all about it!

March 14 = Thank God it's Monday Day

I think because I'm used to having Zachary's help on the weekend and used to not having it during the weekdays, the weekdays are so much easier for me than the weekends when I'm by myself.  So I'm thankful today is Monday.  We started the day by going to the gym.  After the gym, Malia took a nap:

 and Liam didn't:

 We tried a new activity today too!  Using tongs, Liam transported these yellow poms (our color of the week) from a container to the ice cube tray.  He did a great job!

March 13 = Second without Daddy Day

I'll start with a Facebook meme that is especially appropriate since I'm husbandless for the week:

...and I'll end with a picture of Malia sitting on a beanbag chair on a trampoline because, why not?

March 12 = First Without Daddy Day

I only have one picture from today:

Zachary left yesterday for a trip with the Midshipmen Action Group to Biscayne Bay in Florida.  They drove to Smithfield, NC last night and are heading down to South Florida today.  He'll be gone until next Sunday so as I told the ladies at the kids' club at our gym, if you see the kids are wearing the same things two days in a row, don't judge me.  If you see me wearing the same thing two days in a row, don't judge me.

March 11 = Playground Day

I can't get enough of this weather!  We headed out to a different playground today.  I had gone to the gym and Malia didn't have her shoes but I figured she'd be okay. She hates shoes anyway.

Malia was clearly worn out:

March 9 = Go For a Walk Day

Here's a quick picture of my babies eating at their table in the playroom.  They had waffles and strawberries and both ate every bit that was on their plates.

Later we met two friends and their sons at a playground.  Both ladies have boys and are expecting boys in one month and three months.  We got there first so the kids played on the playground until our friends got there, then we went for a walk and then played on the playground some more before eating a picnic lunch.  On the way home, Malia and I dropped Liam off at his group session and the elementary school across the street.  We got home and I did a little cleaning and then decided it was too nice outside to be inside so instead of driving to pick him up, I drug out the jogging stroller and we walked about a mile to the school.  Liam got so excited when he saw the stroller instead of the car!  It was a great day with lots of fresh air and exercise!

March 8 = Playground Day

It was finally, finally, a nice day out so after picking Liam up from the CDC, we went to the playground.

Also, here's a picture of Malia putting on my shoes:

March 7 = Spaghetti Day

First I have this precious picture of my two little loves, sitting together on the couch.  I love Liam's smile and Malia's toes.

Also, you know me and my Facebook memes.  I saw this and laughed because I'm pretty sure this has happened in our house.  Maybe multiple times.  Not since I went to Charleston in November and tried moonshine for the first and last time because ever since I've wanted nothing to do with alcohol.  But still.

And we had spaghetti for dinner.  While it's not my favorite meal, it is my kids' favorite so we have it quite often.

March 6 = No Pictures Day

I have no pictures from today and since I'm writing about March 6th on March 21st I also have no memories of today.  But I did take a screenshot of this Facebook meme and sent it to Zachary and will now share it with you.

March 5B = A weekend with Grandma and Dops

Well, Grandma and Dops, aka Mom and Dad, had a wonderful visit this weekend from Zachary, Liam and Malia.  The only downside was that Melissa wasn't here.  We missed having her here, too!  But, Zachary had an event to come down for with the Academy, and Melissa was going to enjoy some much needed down time.  So, I apologize for all of the pictures that I'm going to post, but I just can't resist sharing these two cuties!  We do love Liam and Malia so much and just love any time we get to spend with them.  So, here I go.

So, Zachary and Dad went to the cycling event early Saturday morning.  That left me to have my time with my two little ones.  We spent some time playing inside until it warmed up enough to go out.  Since Easter is coming soon, I thought we would find some eggs.  Malia was quick to find some.

Liam followed suit and had a grand time opening all of the eggs.

Liam also found a "beam" to "balance" on.  He did a great job keeping his balance.  I was so impressed!

That smile is just too cute!

Here was some time with Dops!

Malia discovered the rocking horse.

And, a new place to rest.

I do believe they love each other.

Something was pretty funny!

Must have been a basketball game on that TV!

Malia - relaxing and reading a book.

Can't forget good ol' Dad! So good to have Zachary home.

And, just some more snuggle time.  I'll take all I can get!

Thank you, Zachary and Melissa, for sharing your beautiful son and daughter with us.  They have captured our hearts and we just love them so much!  Come again, soon!