Thursday, March 3, 2016

February 28 = Holding Hands Day

In my last post I shared a picture with a quote that made me think of Malia... today's is one for adults. 

I've had this exact thought before when I make the kids a beautiful plate for breakfast with strawberries, blueberries, cheese, oranges, bananas... and then I grab a pack of crackers on the way out.  This was a good reminder that I need to take care of myself too in order to take the best care of my babies.

So yesterday I worked on my yoga teacher training.  I'm doing a "distance learning" program so that, unlike last time I attempted this, I don't have to devote a full weekend each month- it's just not realistic for us.  So Zachary took the kids to the gym so that I would be able to concentrate.  On the way out, he learned how unmanageable they can be when you're by yourself.  So he did something super smart- told them they had to hold hands.  And they did!  He took a video of it and showed me because he knew I'd have to see it to believe it.  But today I snapped this picture of my three loves holding hands- how sweet!

Later, we had some senior midshipmen over for dinner- lasagna.  We played Apples to Apples which made me really happy.  It was really fun- the kids were great- the midshipmen are so good with them.  It was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hands in pockets is also a good one! I used that with Zachary and Matthew when I took them out...
