Monday, March 21, 2016

March 4 = Potty Day!

Today was such an exciting day for several reasons.  The first is that Malia let me put her hair in a ponytail.  That was very exciting for me.

 Next- Malia used the potty!  I'm going to try to cause as little embarrassment for the future with my choice of words but this is a big deal so I need to document it!  Malia was struggling a bit in her high chair so I thought it would be a good opportunity to sit her on the potty (that her brother refuses to use) and sure enough it worked- first time and she did both! 

Zachary got this cute little dress for her the other day from the Midshipmen Store but since it's still freezing outside, I put her in this ensemble- isn't she adorable??

Zachary took the kids to Smithfield this afternoon too.  He has a cycling meet this weekend that he's going to and so he thought it'd be a good chance for me to get some alone time since I don't get a lot of that.  I was feeling a bit lonely after they left and my brother called and asked if he and Grace could come up.  It was perfect!  Now I don't have to be alone but I also don't have to clean up after anyone or change any diapers and I get to watch something besides Bubble Guppies and Caillou.  But here's a cute picture of the kids with Grandma and Pops:

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