Thursday, March 3, 2016

February 26 = Lazy Friday

Malia felt like relaxing today... she started by just crashing in our bed...

Then thought the effort of pulling the covers up would prove worthwhile.

Speaking of Malia... I saw this and it put into words something I want to teach Malia:

So many girls (and boys) have self esteem issues and I believe that they lead to unhealthy relationships- you've heard the saying "you have to love yourself before you can love someone else."  I think you also have to love yourself before you can accept love from someone else.  So, along with the million other things I want to teach Malia, I want her to confidently know that she is fearfully and wonderfully made- I tell her this every night before she goes to bed.  I want to teach her that everyone else is too so that she stays sweet... but I want her to know in her bones that she deserves to be treated well so that she won't accept any less.  I know we've got a while before we need to worry about that but... I don't think it'll hurt to start early :)

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