Monday, March 21, 2016

March 16 = Halfway There Day

We've survived Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and now we just have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday left.  One thing that I would have definitely appreciated Zachary's presence for today was this bug on my wall.  I tried to be brave and covered both my hands with toiled paper, tried to knock it down from the wall with one hand into the other hand, while getting chills all over my body.  I don't like bugs.  It didn't work.  The bug fell to the ground so I went and got a candle and turned it over on top of the bug so it couldn't escape.  And it will remain there until Zachary gets home. 

My little helper:

 And my little sass pot:

We've spent a considerable amount of time at the gym since Zachary's been gone... it gives us something constructive to do so I'm all about it!

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