Saturday, April 1, 2017

March 30 = Speech Therapy Day

Here's a typical morning with my girl:

So Zachary took Liam to school this morning so Malia and I got to sleep in.  We went downstairs after this video and had breakfast and just sat around enjoying our lazy morning.  At one point, as I was getting ready to tell her we needed to get dressed and ready to go, she said "I'll be riiiiiight back," and went upstairs.  So I waited a few minutes and called her name out... no answer.  I went upstairs to see what she was up to and found this:

So I had to get her up for a second time and then I attempted to do her hair.  She wouldn't stay still so I'd say this is pretty good:

That pink blanket...

Getting these children used to holding hands was the best thing we've ever done.  It makes everything so. much. easier.

Look at this cutie.

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