Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 19 = Rough OT Day

So as I was getting the kids into the building for Liam's OT appointment, I noticed Liam was wearing his big brother shirt and Malia was wearing her big sister shirt.  This was not intentional but I thought it was cute!

Malia is starting to really question why Liam gets to go into the fun rooms for his appointments and she has to sit outside in the waiting room.  Today, she was distraught about it.  When Liam came out of his appointment, she snuck in and had her own fun.  She did not want to leave.  And this almost 8 months pregnant mama didn't have the easiest time persuading her otherwise.  I called Zachary on the way home and told him I'm never doing that again.  From now on, if I don't have help with Malia, I'm canceling his appointment.  

I was very excited that Zachary and I had a date night planned after the nightmare of OT.  We went to Chart House on the water in Annapolis- very pretty and very yummy!  I also snapped a picture of the baby bump because I'm starting to realize it won't be there for much longer...

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