Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 29 = FIrst Full New House Day!

We may have moved from one house to another but the Saturday Chick-fil-a breakfast tradition still stands!!

Liam was playing in Malia's castle and she marched in there pretty determined... I thought she was going to yell at him or cry but instead she gave him a big hug...  I thought he might not appreciate this certain hug but he just started laughing.  They love each other so much!

So we are so very grateful that we've met all of our neighbors and they are all super nice.  They hang out a lot behind the building and today a couple of us were grilling out.  Liam filled the kids' sandbox with water around lunch so it would be warmer by the time we were cooking out.  Malia was in heaven.  Liam had more fun exploring everyone's garages but he got some water play in too.

It was really nice to relax outside for a while but I saw this when I got inside- instead of more unpacking, I was looking at facebook and saw this and agreed.  

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