First two pictures of my kids. Malia insisting on using a teething ring like a pacifier.
And then Liam letting Daddy help him use a spoon to eat ice cream!
And then for the truly thrilling part of today- I packed up the pump. No more pumping! Ahhhhhhh. No more pump parts. No more broken membranes. No more having to come home instead of going to the last place I needed to go because I have to pump. And the best part is, I have plenty of milk in the freezer so Malia will exclusively drink breastmilk for her first year. Hallelujah!
Also- a little background: I have always used the bluetooth function of my phone and car to make it possible to use the speaker on my phone to make and take phone calls while I'm driving. One day- without my doing anything- the bluetooth function also allowed whatever sound was coming from my phone to play through the speakers. So now, without any cords, I can play music on my phone, through my car speakers. It's a beautiful thing. Anyway, this song came on today and I took a screen shot because I wanted to share the lyrics. It's called Thrive by Casting Crowns.
So living water, flowing through,
God we thirst for more of you.
Fill our hearts and flood our souls with one desire:
Just to know you and to make you known.
We lift your name on high.
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide.
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives.
It's time for us to more than just survive.
We were made to thrive.
That's the chorus and I love it- the last two lines spoke to me because so often my goal of the day is to survive. So this presents a challenge I'd like to keep in mind each day. There are some days that are really difficult and I think on those days, it's okay give your cares to God and trust that he will sustain you. But those should be few and far between. On most days, I want to challenge myself to wake up thankful to be healthy and fit. I go to yoga so often because it makes me feel good physically. It makes me aware of what my body can do. We know that our bodies are Gods' temples but so many of us feed our bodies stuff that's no good for it and we take this gift He has given us and use it to sit on the couch. I want to use my able body that I am so thankful for to lift my kids and unfold and fold strollers and go for a run with my husband. I thrive when I exercise, eat healthy foods, take time for myself to read or just listen to music or just take a breath, connect with friends, turn the tv off, put the phone upstairs, and listen and watch and follow my kids. The bridge of this song is what made me want to remember to type out these lyrics. It says:
Joy unspeakable
Faith unsinkable
Love unstoppable
Anything is possible
I could learn every word and phrase in every language but there still wouldn't be adequate words to express the joy I feel each and every day. My faith is unsinkable because I believe that God has a plan for my life and I'm so glad that His ways are not my ways- that takes a lot of pressure off. Love unstoppable- I have so much love in my heart. It's bursting with love for my little family. Anything is possible. It's possible for me to thrive. It takes work and dedication and motivation but where's the fun in doing easy things?
Great Song! Mo