Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 16 = Share with Sister Day

Liam went through a phase where he loved pushing Malia over.  Malia was a tough little thing and didn't really cry but it obviously was a behavior we were interested in stopping.  I talked to a few different people- mostly his therapists- and tried different strategies.  And just like with everything else you try to keep your child from doing or try to make your child do- one day he just quit.  You can read, discuss, plan and he's just going to stop pushing her one day, he's just going to walk one day, he's just going to leave that cabinet alone one day, he's just going to let you brush his teeth one day.  Well I don't even know when he stopped pushing her over but now he has a new thing he likes to do- and it's a positive!  He loves sharing.  Mostly food.  He will break off a tiny (virtually too small to see) piece of whatever he's eating and give it to Malia.  Toys are a little more difficult to share but this was right after he handed her the Lego in her hands.  It just warms my heart!

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