Thursday, June 11, 2015

May 27 = Aquarium Day

We took Liam to the Baltimore aquarium a few days before Malia was born as our last outing as a family of three.  It didn't go so well.  We weren't allowed to keep our stroller so Zachary chased Liam around and wasn't able to enjoy the sea critters.  I typically enjoy a zoo more than an aquarium but keeping in mind that Zachary likes aquariums more and wasn't able to enjoy the last visit- I happily chose the aquarium for this day.

After the aquarium we headed home, stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel and were finally reunited with our babies!  We all went to the playground for one last outing with Grandma and Pops and Liam persuaded them to swing him while they walked to the car- really had to twist their arms ;)

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