Thursday, February 23, 2017

January 24 = Tom Brady Day

We had a fun MOPS meeting this morning- it was a white elephant gift exchange.  So everyone got a number and the person with number one chose a gift out of the middle of the room- everyone brought something they got for Christmas that they didn't want- well that was the idea.  I didn't get anything I didn't want so I brought some cute little notecards that I thought other moms would like.  But anyway.  I was number 2.  So the first person went and opened the bag of her choice- it was a legitimate Tom Brady jersey.  I got super excited but quickly reminded myself that because I was the second person... oh I forgot to mention.  So the second person can either choose a new gift from the middle or they can "steal" a gift that someone else had already chosen.  So I got excited knowing I could steal this gift but since I was only the 2nd person, there were twenty something other people that could steal it from me.  So I did steal it and then played the "my birthday was Sunday so please don't take this from me" card.  A couple people in, no one had stolen yet, so I decided to put it on my body.  I figured people would be less likely to steal a gift if it was on a pregnant woman's body whose birthday was two days before.  I was right- it worked.  Or it could have been that in a room full of stay at home moms, I was the only one super stoked about a football jersey.  In any case- I am now the proud owner of a Tom Brady jersey :)

Also, Liam had an ophthalmology appointment today- I always get so impressed with myself when I spell that word right on the first try.  I grabbed this picture because I thought it was so cute how he lined up all these pieces in a row.  The eye appointment went well- we have to go pretty often because one of the major side effects of his NF1 is something an Ophthalmologist can see but there are no signs of anything wrong right now so we'll take it!

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