Thursday, February 23, 2017

January 19 = Haircut Day

It's so funny how both of our kids have unique things about them that remind us of either Zachary or Me.  Malia can be super serious or super silly which is the same as Zachary.  But she also likes to sleep, which is like me.

And she likes puzzles, also like me.

So some days I am fully aware of my limitations.  Today, I decided to throw caution to the wind.  I had just taken both kids to Liam's OT appointment which I try to avoid at all costs because it's an hour long appointment and while Malia is typically easy to entertain, for some reason, in medical or therapy offices, she is not.  But they had that new puzzle today and so OT wasn't too stressful so I had the bright idea of taking Liam to get a haircut.  Getting Liam a haircut is no walk in the park.  But he needed one and I figured no matter how bad it is, we will survive.

Also, here's another belly shot!  Zachary made me laugh while I was taking the picture- I'm not a selfie girl but this is the last pregnancy so I want to document this growing belly one more time.

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