Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 11 = What Have We Gotten Into Day

First let me start with a cute picture taken at Target:

Okay, now that that's out of the way- we are definitely moving!  The morning after we had 95% decided we were going to move, I got an email that we needed to avoid using the water until someone had come to check it out and I immediately felt like we had made the right decision.  Until I decided to check out our upstairs storage room:

There isn't any storage at the new place- there is a garage that I was hoping to put my van in but it's looking like that's going to be our storage room.  It's definitely time to get to work!  We move in on the 17th and out of here on the 20th so that we'll have the full weekend to get things out.  Zachary and I have decided we're packing a little bit each day or at least organizing- somehow moving towards packing every day so we're not so very overwhelmed at the end- and I think we will start upstairs.

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