Friday, March 20, 2015

February 16 = 7 Months Day

Here's our little princess taking up a queen sized bed.  Usually Malia is my alarm clock.  I'll go get her and feed her while I pump and usually, before I'm done pumping, she starts her morning nap.  That's what happened here- then I have to choose between waking her by moving her to a safer spot or staying by her side until Liam wakes up.  I usually take advantage of some snuggle time until Mr. Liam wakes up and then we officially start our morning.
In other news, Malia Mae is 7 months old today! Our pretty girl has started blowing raspberries as a greeting, is still a wonderful sleeper and an expert snuggler. She's apparently working on joining me for yoga soon as she held plank yesterday for a good while. She continues to be such a joy to everyone around her and a monthly update wouldn't be complete without me commenting on her beautiful blue eyes- they are so bright and expressive. She is just so precious and we love her so very much!

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