Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 15 = Going Home Day

I realize I've been complaining a lot in these last posts.  I have one more complaint.  My children don't sleep when they're not home.  My family worked so hard to make a Liam friendly sleeping room- they had a mattress on the floor, blocked the closets and made it to where he couldn't get to stuff on the desk.  I was hoping he would give us a little fight and then go to sleep.  My dad ended up having to sleep in the room with him and it took him hours to actually fall asleep.  My poor Dad.  And Malia- my perfect sleeper- was waiting until midnight to go to sleep and then waking up 3-4 times between then and 7 when she was up for good.  This was no good for the sleep loving momma.  So we altered our plan.  Instead of going home Monday morning, we decided to leave Sunday afternoon.  We were able to eat dinner with my family- Dad grilled some hamburgers for us- but we figured they might not sleep in the car but at least the time we spent with them not sleeping was spent getting closer to home where we were pretty sure they would sleep.  

But they did sleep!  Hallelujah!  Here is Liam who fell asleep holding his cup and his beloved Gigi.

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