Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 4 = Balloon Day

We did some shopping this morning!  I had a return to make and since I dragged the stroller out, we went into a bunch of different stores just to walk around.  We ended up at Hallmark to get birthday cards for Gramps and while we were checking out, the lady asked Liam if he would like a balloon.  Having people ask your kids if they want something is a tricky business.  We have had so many people ask Liam if he'd like a sticker.  Liam cares nothing about stickers.  So they give him a sticker with the full expectation that he'll be so excited.  He could not care less.  Then that leads me to have to say- oh he'll love it- he's just sleepy or make up something so that they think their gesture is meaningful.  I didn't know what to expect when this lady handed him a balloon but he did get really excited and kept saying "arj arj arj" which is his way of saying orange.  I had this vision of him letting go of the balloon and it slowly floating out of reach and him screaming so I quickly tied it to his stroller for the short walk out to the car.  He played with it the whole way home- it was definitely a hit so thank you Hallmark Lady!

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