Monday, March 9, 2015

February 14 = Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day!  This is a great to show love to your spouse or significant other but I've also found it's a great day to love on your babies too!  We started a new tradition- Zachary got Malia a present and I got Liam one.  Miss Malia got a pretty glass rose from her daddy and on a less sentimental note, I got Liam a toddler computer with lots of buttons to push that make lots of obnoxious noises.


But I think Liam's favorite part of Valentine's Day was the snow!  Liam and Zachary went outside and I took pictures from the warmth of the indoors.

We took this picture from the inside looking out- it was coming down!  I had Zachary stand beside me so my reflection wasn't the only visible one.

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