Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 12 = Go to NC Day

We were going to go to NC for my mom's 50th birthday but they were both sick so we stayed at home- we're trying again for my dad's birthday!  

I hate traveling.  I hate packing, I hate riding, I hate having the car perfectly packed and uncluttered at the beginning of the trip and then realizing there's not enough space for my feet one hour later.  I hate pumping in the car, I hate traffic.  I hate finding a perfectly good radio station that turns to static five minutes later.  But I love seeing family.  I love spending time with our parents and I love watching my kids spend time with their grandparents.  It's absolutely, one hundred percent worth it but man.  This was Liam's Valentine's Day present that was temporarily lost in the toy box that I resurrected specifically for this trip.  Good move, Mom.

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