Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 1 = Midshipmen Dinner Day

We've hosted a few midshipmen dinners at this point but today was exciting because Zachary's chief hosted it at his house- we were just responsible for a dessert.  So we enjoyed watching football and relaxing on this beautiful Sunday.  The cats had a good day too:

When we did head to Chief Sawyer's house, were greeted at the door by Rex and Malia was in heaven.

Then Emily and Ty helped entertain Malia- she loved this bean bag/couch thing.

And they had a chalkboard wall which both kids loved.

Soon after the midshipmen got there, Malia made it very clear that she was mad.  Mad about what, I do not know but she and I went to the car and I ate the dessert we made and she ended up falling asleep.  She gets tired when she's mad.  Once we got home, it was bedtime and Zachary and I enjoyed a night of catching up on some tv in our "adult cave" downstairs.

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