Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October 27 = New Recipe Day

First I need to share a picture of Liam.  I got him up from his nap and he had gone to sleep with his Redskins jersey on under a thermal gray shirt.  Well, he's been obsessed with this "football shirt" so during his nap, he wriggled that thermal shirt off as well as he could.  He didn't get it all the way off- he took the bottom of the front of his shirt and got it over his head.

Today was a late class day for Zachary so we had dinner on our own.  I try to pick easy dinners for Tuesday nights for this reason and I had recently watched a Pioneer Woman episode with a recipe on hamburger soup.  We had leftover taco meat from the midshipmen dinner so I just had to pick up some beef broth and veggies and made this delicious recipe.

I heated some up for Zachary when he got home and he was a fan!

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