Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 16 = Playground Day

I am so obsessed with this playground.  Well let me back up.  I had an OB appointment today and Monday is Liam's CDC day.  When I went to drop him off I thought it might be a good idea to see if there was room for Malia there too so she didn't have to sit through my appointment.  Thankfully there was so I dropped her off to and came home and did nothing.  Well I watched TV and messed around on my phone.  I so rarely get to do that so that's what I did in my free time.  Then I headed to the OB and thank goodness I didn't have Malia with me because I had to wait in the waiting room for over 45 minutes.  Now back to the playground.  I picked the kids up and decided to stop at the playground instead of heading straight home because I'm aware that this nice weather is going to leave us soon so I need to take advantage of it!

Liam decided to take on the slide backwards today- he thought he was so clever!

And then he helped me push Malia in the swing.  Such a sweet brother!

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