Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 5 = Leave for NC Day

This week has flown by!  Today we dropped Liam off at the CDC and Malia and I met our friends, Amy/Evie and Ashley/Annie at the library.  Malia had fun dancing and walking around.  They had little egg shakers that Malia hoarded and towards the end when the lady leading the Babies in Bloom session had lots of toys out Malia started cleaning them all up- can you tell we have to clean up about 10 times a day?

Then we headed home and got a few things done before leaving again to pick up Liam and then we came home for nap time.  Thankfully, Zachary and I had gotten a lot of packing done the night before so I was able to take a nap too!  I didn't take too many pictures on the trip but here's one of Malia plugging her ears because Liam was shouting along with something on an iPad.

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