morning, I got Malia up first and then opened Liam's door and let her
wake him up. It was so sweet- she walked quietly up to him and then
started patting his back. He woke up and looked at her and smiled.
They adore each other. Later, we ate breakfast and then I gave the kids
their cups of milk and got some stuff done. A few minutes after I gave
her her cup, Malia was walking around without so I asked her "where's
your cup Malia?" Liam disappeared and then reappeared about five
minutes later with her cup- I'm sure he was looking for it and it took
him a while to find it but he was determined!
I thought this was cute- that he sat on his chair backwards- such a cool kid.
And Malia's got the lounge and read thing down!
We made some time today to play outside even though it's getting cooler...
a busy day of playing, it was time to go to bed. When we checked on
Liam before we went to bed, we found him on the floor- he was so tired
he skipped the whole get in bed part.
So precious!