Wednesday, May 6, 2015

April 18 = First Day in New Home Day

I'm thinking Zachary and I should offer our services to other families because we can sure turn an empty place into a livable home in no time at all.  We couldn't have done it without my parents and brother helping us watch the kids but pretty much everything is in place- definitely everything we need and lots of our decorations.  We've gotten pretty good at this.  I moved pretty much from my college apartment to our first apartment in Jacksonville.  When Zachary went on deployment in March of 2011, I moved back home because I had no ties to Jacksonville without him there.  Right before he came back from deployment in October of 2011, I got a different apartment in Jacksonville ready for us to come home to after his six weeks in Rhode Island that I got to spend with him.  Then we moved to on base housing in January of 2013 and then moved to Maryland in April of 2014.  Now we've moved again in April of 2015.  So little Liam has lived in four homes already!  Here are Liam and Malia enjoying our new home:

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