Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 18 = Graduation Party Day

He's done!  Well he's kind of been done but graduation is tomorrow so the cohort planned a party- one the guys lives near this little park that has playgrounds and a tiny beach and a covered picnic area- it was so nice for the guys (and one gal) and their families to be able to hang out- my friend Amy had an idea that we get a picture with all the little ones- the sign that says "The Party's Here" had been taken out of the ground at its original location so I relocated it to this picture- they really are the life of the party!

 And here are most of the classmates- a few weren't able to make it.

Liam had so much fun exploring the playground equipment- he loves slides so much.  Malia had fun swinging- she hates being thrown in the air but loves swinging.  But it was pretty hot and even though we kept coating them in sunscreen, we were starting to think their skin was looking a little red so we headed home.  Grandma and Pops were on their way to Maryland for tomorrow's graduation and you can see how happy Liam was to talk to them!

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