First of all I have to share this unrelated picture. My grandmother, Rita Mae, was a wise woman. And she once said you can trust a baby that likes beer. I have no clue what context this was in but we have applied it to dogs as well and Malia today channeled her Rita Mae and reached for one (or several) beers. We don't really drink very much but we had beers left over from the baby shower a few weeks ago that no one would take home so there they are:
But this post is about getting something done! I have been wanting to do this for months now but moving gave me the motivation to do it because we have a lot of empty walls that need to be covered. So I got this idea from pinterest and in the picture I saw, at the top they have these pretty letters that say "The best of times" or something like that. I may figure out how to get those words above but these are our best of times:
We changed the order on the wall- they're in chronological order on our wall but here, the first one is Malia's birth at 1:26 pm. In her box there's a picture of her giving a real serious look in her cute little hat that is also in the box with her hospital bracelet and the little card that was on her bed identifying her. Then there's a box for our wedding- a sweet picture, a napkin from our little reception, my wedding garter and a note from Zachary that he left for me to wake up to on the morning of our wedding. Finally, there's Mr. Liam's box with a shirt he wore in the NICU and a knitted hat that was donated to the Shands NICU. Disclaimer: We begrudgingly offered to leave the hat behind but the nurse encouraged us to take it home and I'm so glad she did. I really struggled with whether to put a W or an L in his box and stood in Michael's for probably a full minute just looking at one and then the other with a quizzical look on my face but settled on the W obviously.
So there they are and they fit very nicely in our living room and remind of us how blessed we are every time we see them!
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