Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12 = Zachary's Phone's Pictures Upload Day

I have my phone with me more than Zachary usually does because we give everyone my number... Liam's medical stuff, housing stuff, etc. so if someone needs to get in touch with us, my phone is usually the one that rings.  So it's rare that Zachary's phone has pictures on it that mine doesn't but here are a few exceptions:

Caught in the act- emptying his neatly organized drawers and climbing like a monkey
She loves to swing.

Action shot!

Snuggling with Daddy

Let me in, sister!

Liam's photography skills
So those were all over the last few weeks but this one is from my phone and from today:

With all of our home depot trips this weekend, we had taken the double stroller out of the van to create space for all the stuff we had to get.  Well we forgot to put it back in the stroller and so today I went to get the double stroller out to transport both kids into Liam's therapy office and it wasn't there.  So it was time to get creative.  The carseat with Malia in it is far too heavy for me to carry now.  Carrying her and ensuring Liam holds my hand in the parking lot is a little risky for me.  I thought about putting Malia in the Ergobaby but it was so hot and if I had I wouldn't have anywhere for her to sit when we got inside.  So I got out one umbrella stroller and put her in it and let Liam help push- this kept him right in front of me and Malia safe as well but made it fun for Liam- he loved it!

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