Wednesday, May 6, 2015

April 23 = My Gym Day

We got to go to "My Gym" today for Liam's group therapy- they don't actually interact with each other but it's just opened for kids in this program and we take advantage of it as much as we can.  Liam was being rather calm so I was able to play with Malia a little bit- she loved the ball pit.

Liam had a lot of fun in this tunnel- he went through it a few times.

Zachary had dinner after class tonight so I scheduled a snuggle session with her in advance and when Liam went to bed she and I headed to my bed for some Grey's Anatomy.  Spoiler alert:

My favorite character was killed on Grey's tonight and I was so mad but Malia was laying beside so peaceful and sweet so I couldn't get too animated.

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