Wednesday, May 6, 2015

April 21 = Try a New Cup Day

Malia finally got Liam back for all the things he's stolen from her and she grabbed Liam's cup.  I have no clue if she got any juice out of it but it was cute to see her grab it and put it straight to her mouth like she was saying, "I know what to do with this."  Also Liam did something awesome today- he said "pink fork" at breakfast which is significant because he, completely on his own, generated a two word phrase.  He's been using two word phrases with our help but for him to say "pink fork" on his own was huge and exciting!  Also Malia stood up in her pack 'n' play which is hard to do!  There's nothing really to grip on like if she had pulled up to stand using the couch or a table or something.  Lots of achievements today!

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