Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 15 = Brio Day

I had an appointment today so we took Liam to the Navy day care but kept Malia out because she's usually pretty easy.  Well let this first picture give you an idea of the kind of attitude she had today:
We had gift cards to Brio which is not a good place for Mr. Liam to go to because he doesn't like to sit still and quietly so we've been planning on going while he's in the day care- we didn't even think Malia might be tough but she decided to keep us on our toes because today she decided to be so mad about everything- she didn't want to be in her car seat so we took her out and then she didn't want to sit still so Zachary took her over to a bench- thankfully we were sitting outside so it wasn't difficult to let her move around.  They had some good bonding time while I finished my delicious lunch.

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