Monday, July 6, 2015

July 1 = Yogurt Day

Since Zachary's been working so much, I've been doing a lot of planning to make things run as smoothly as possible.  One thing I've done is found a meal chart where I can plan out breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks so I make sure I've got enough of all of the food we need for the week because one thing I do not want to happen is to have two hungry children and go to get them something to eat and find that I don't have what I thought I did.  It also helps me when they're screaming and I can't think- I can just look at the list and get whatever I wrote down.  So this morning, breakfast was yogurt and blueberries!  Liam has been working on using a spoon so eating yogurt gave him the perfect opportunity to practice more!  He did a great job.

Malia, however, is not a fan of yogurt.  We had to go with a plan b for her!

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