Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 16 = Malia's First Birthday!

My beautiful girl is one today!  I got Liam up first so he could help me wish Malia a happy birthday but instead, he marched in and started yelling something.  But I sang to her and we came down and had yummy funfetti birthday pancakes!

While she was still eating, I had to get some pictures of the birthday girl in front of her birthday banner!

At one point, she grabbed Zachary's hand and they started playing a game that only she knew the rules to.

Then we headed out to Liam's therapy appointments- it was so fun to have Zachary with us- Malia got to play with all sorts of toys and had so much fun!

Then we headed to Chick-fil-a of course.

When we got home it was nap time and Zachary had to head to work but my dad got to our house right after he left!  We did some (more) last minute shopping for the party and picked up some donuts on the way home- Grammy and Gramps got classic cake donuts, I got a strawberry frosted glazed donut with sprinkles and we got munchkins for the kids!  We all sang happy birthday with Matt and Grace on FaceTime...

.... and then it was time for baths and bed.  This was a very exciting day but I think it'll hit me more that she's one when everyone celebrates together at her birthday party Saturday!

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